We All Know That One Manager…
Chester The Molester
The next weekend, the club was blessed with another new manager. I placed a bet with Thomas on how long he would last. Thomas said he couldn’t give an approximate guess until he met the guy.
I, however, gave him two weeks tops.
“Wow!” Chester, the new manager said to me shortly after Thomas introduced us before retreating to sweep the parking lot.
Chester was incredibly overweight and a mouth breather, I quickly discovered.
“You’re really something!” He creepily looked me up and down and lingered his gaze on my boobs for a moment.
I just want to point out my tits aren’t even that great. My ass is fantastic, that’s another story, but when I say people stare at my tits it’s not because I have some jumbo DD’s. It’s ’cause I work at a strip club and that’s what people come in there to do.
The hair on the back of my neck stood up as a dancer approached the two of us. Chester’s response upon meeting her was quite similar to the one I got. The dancer ate it up and flirted back with him.
“You want a shot, beautiful?” he asked her.
She avoided eye contact with me as I informed him that she wasn’t twenty-one yet.
“Oh, that’s okay.” He purred at the girl and she began to massage his shoulders. “I said it’s okay.”
“You see, the thing is … the law doesn’t say it’s okay, so …” I trailed off.
He purred at me and mumbled something about how I’m feisty and it’s sexy as he walked around behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of liquor.
I walked off as he poured the two of them a shot, despite my explanation of the legal drinking age in America.
I obviously don’t care if people drink underage but not if I’m directly serving them.
If you think the alcohol police are lenient with strip clubs, then think again. They ain’t stupid, everybody in there came to party and it’s guaranteed we have some young ass teenagers up in there.
I’m cool with a lot of shit but paying a 10G fine and facing possible jail time is not one of them.
Thomas and I sat next to each other at the bar watching TV, patiently waiting for more customers to arrive.
Chester came behind the bar once more to pour a shot and Thomas told him not to pour any drinks and to let me do it.
“Well, it’s for me,” he began to explain. Thomas told him it didn’t matter and that I still had to ring up the alcohol. Even though managers drank for free, the alcohol still had to be accounted for.
“Well get your sexy ass up here then, girl!” Chester winked at me.
I slowly got up and walked behind the bar, rang up his shot, and then plopped back down next to Thomas.
“Mmm!” He shouted. “I love to watch you walk away. That ass though!” Thomas straightened up next to me and cleared his throat.
“Does anybody call you Chester the molester?” I asked him.
Thomas’s face fell into his hands and he began to slowly shake his head as he tried to hide his laughter.
Chester looked puzzled and upset. “No … at least I don’t think so.” He scratched his head and mumbled about how he was just paying a girl a compliment.
The sad thing is, the majority of strip club managers are like this. Although the level of creepiness varies from person to person, the majority of them say something creepy to you at some point in time.
I was lucky to work with Thomas who had a reputation for being the only manager who wasn’t a weirdo — ever.
I take that back, I never heard anybody call Sulley a creep either.
“I give him a couple of months.” Thomas finally placed his bet after Chester wandered off with a few giggly dancers.
“A couple of months?” I scoffed. “You’re giving him too much credit.”
“You act like it matters how he talks. Some of these girls eat that shit up. If his only problem is being a little creepy, then he’s probably gonna be around for a while, hon. He came from another club, he’s probably a career creeper by now.” Thomas shrugged and then a smile began to form on his face. “I have complete confidence that you will be able to handle your own with Chester, the molester.”
I, of course, ended up winning the bet.
Chester the molester was fired within the week for apparently demanding blow jobs from dancers before they could leave at night. I’m sure he did end up getting a couple of ’em before he managed to get caught. Freaky shit happened at the end of night shift, I had heard all about it through the rumor mill.